10, Mar 2025
Walking for love

Walking for love
In 2012 I came to the Monterey area for a job. I had been single for a while and prior to my interview for that job I met a man online who wanted to meet me.  I was like, YAY!  I was able to meet him and one of the things that we had in common was walking. He was fun!  He had grown up in the area so his ability to show me this beautiful place was welcome.
We would walk for hours on the weekends in different places. We had the time of our lives. Sometimes our love of walking and talking would take us on adventures into the night as we both worked the swing shift. A memorable trip to Carmel beach at night, where it was a surreal experience to lay under a huge tree in the roadway and just watch the stars. We listened to the water and walked in silence in the dark. I don’t know if I ever fully appreciated the fun healthy ways that he was imparting to me as he showed me his love for a land that now I can’t seem to leave. It is a soul bond that I have with this area and with him, that can never be shared with any other person.
Wellness comes in many forms and sometimes the way that I have “walked my way” into someone’s heart has been awe inspiring. You would think this would be a fairy tale relationship but the key to being well is to also recognize what you are really looking at. This man was the right man in the wrong time, or so I thought. Great man, loving individual and giving me his all but I could not see that then. It would take many more miles of walking and reflection before I understood what I had, how perfect it all was and what an unusually perfect situation I walked away from. It is said that we can be our own worst enemy, it is true. I walked my way out of happiness in that time frame and have regretted it many times since.
So, if you have a love that is walking beside you, following you, willing to meet you in the middle, what will you do? Will you walk your way into happiness and security, or walk on into loneliness and regret? Love can be a metaphorical walk, but I can attest it is so much better when it’s a real walk in the sun, rain, moonlight or complete dark. Take a chance, walk beside the one you love and trust yourself to look, really look at what is right before you.
Many years have passed, the walking has remained, and others have come and gone on the path that I trod.  For now, I walk my way alone into wellness and continue on.

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