10, Mar 2025
Walking the dog, fun or motivation?

Walking the dog, fun or motivation?
Ahhhhh the furry friend. That annoying family member that must be attended to in the walking way. For some this a perfunctory walk down the block for you to do your business, for others an adventure. For me it is also a built-in motivator on the days when I just feel lazy.
Dogs are easy, they will make you make a schedule, and they are good at sticking to that schedule. Humans? Not so much. I have learned a lot this year from my daughter’s border collies. She has an older one that is 14 and she has a 3-year-old. Their needs are very different in exercise. One thing that is sure is that they walk me well!
Schedules and lengths of walk
Most dogs like to get out in the morning and depending on your schedule you may too. A working person will of course have to fit that all in. I prefer to do this around 9 several hours after arising so that the dog does not wake you up with their leash in tow. Our doggies stretch, play in the yard and get a good drink prior to walking. I don’t feed them prior to walking because it eliminates the need for them to defecate while out. So, they either eat, wait 2 hours or eat on return. I find this is good for both of us. I have different routes and lengths to fit my schedules, and sometimes short walks will happen with a longer walk at night. I don’t necessarily combine my exercise with theirs all of the time as it cuts into my time for unfettered mental time. Sometimes if I want to wander, I will take the younger and return the older to house before proceeding on in the adventure. My older friend does not like the LONG’ long walks I take.
Leash or no leash? (Things to consider)
• Do you have a well-trained well-mannered dog? Paramount to a stress-free public walk
• Do you like to run after or chase them to get them to mind? If not, leash definitely
• Do you have the right leash for the right setting? Telescopic or stationary depends on setting and whether there are crowds.
• Are you leashed, or are they? Who is walking who here?
My daughter lives in Utah and I have to say this is a really great feature of her living here. The dog parks are well thought out and maintained. They are great places for dogs to run freely, socialize with other dogs and really be, well, just dogs. Most of these are set up so that you can amble around the park as well and enjoy the outdoors, meet other doggie enthusiasts and just plain have a good time. Know your dog’s social limits and be ready to leash, if necessary, clean up after yourselves and JUST walk it well.
When I am struggling to get up and get going, I know that I must have an external motivator. DOGS are great for this reason. I always feel better when I get back from a canine excursion. DON’T have a doggie, borrow one. Many humane societies have programs for dog walking, and you can help them out tremendously. HAVE FUN AND WALK IT WELL.

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